
Information service speeds access to electronic component data

OL3.JAN–ViewPoint Information Systems

Information service speeds access to electronic component data

A new component information service for the semiconductor and electronic
design industries is promising to, in the words of the company,
“streamline the electronic transfer of component information from
suppliers to end users.” The service, ViewPoint Information Systems, Inc.,
Waltham, MA, is a result of a partnership among leading component
manufacturers, electronic design automation suppliers, and R.R. Donnelley,
an information services company. According to ViewPoint, it will be
supplying, for the first time, a true industry-standard library–thus
creating a streamlined channel for component information that stretches
from the manufacturer, through the information supplier and the EDA
software supplier, to the individual engineer. As a result, end users
could see a significant increase in productivity, quality, and cost
savings. Currently, the time it takes for such information to become
available to designers can extend up to 18 months. Emphasizing the
electronic industry's need for improved access to component data, Ron
Collett of Collett International, Santa Clara, CA, a technology consulting
firm, says, “Standard library component data is a pre-requisite for the
automation of concurrent engineering.” ViewPoint Information Systems'
database contains a complete machine-readable representation of component
data including hundreds of CAE symbols, CAD footprints, and attributes.
The component data will be stored in on-site servers, in a neutral format
that interfaces with various EDA systems. Users will be able to import
additional information into the database as well as export the data to
automation tools and other computer systems. ViewPoint has already
entered into a distribution agreement with Mentor Graphics Corp.and
expects to sign similar agreements with other electronic design automation
(EDA) suppliers. In addition, three major semiconductor suppliers–Intel
Corp., Hitachi America, Ltd., and National Semiconductor Corp.–will
furnish the first component data to the service. For more information,
call xxxxx xxxxxxxx at 000-000-0000 or circle 000. –Richard Pell Jr.


ViewPoint Information Systems is offering for the first time a true
industry-standard library that links component manufacturers, EDA
suppliers, and electronic systems manufacturers.


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