The resistance range of EPCOS inrush current limiters is now expanded with the addition of a P11 series (B57211Px) that covers a resistance range from 4 to 25 Ω (R25) for currents from 2.5 to 5 A in the temperature range of 0° and 25°C. The P13 series (B57213Px) has a resistance range from 3 to 5 Ω and is designed for higher currents of 6 or 7 A.
The parts have disk diameters of 13 and 14.5 mm with coating. (Through distribution: P11 series, $0.30 each; P13, $0.32 each — available now.)
By Carolyn Mathas
TDK-EPC , Iselin , NJ
James Borsh 732-906-4390
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