Inside Leadership Lessons from IBM’s Golden Years: The Rise and Fall of a Legendary Company
An Audio Conference Scheduled for:
May 5, 2011| 1:30-3:00 PM EST
For 25 years, starting in 1960, IBM represented the epitome of what American companies should aspire to. Quality, service, innovation. That was the view from the outside.
From the inside, as a worker, you had an even greater respect for the company. It felt like a family environment—full of respect for every employee, a focus on helping our customers any way we could and a single-minded determination to be the best we could be in everything we touched.
The campus had a college-like feeling to it—a place where you enjoyed going and felt valued. Management was highly supportive and involved with each employee.
Our function and structure were designed, so that we always had each other’s backs—and we had the customers’ backs too, no matter what problem or situation came up.
Learning Objectives:
• What are Corporate Basic Beliefs—and what is their effect on the work environment?
• 4 leadership building blocks that make and keep organizations strong
• 3 negative actions leaders too often take that will undermine a positive work environment
• One-on-one management actions that will build loyalty at the employee level
• How leaders can Identify their company’s basic beliefs and drive corporate change
• How to building an encouragement based management process into the organization
Presented by Dan Schultheis, a speaking professional and coach who presents powerful and entertaining programs in the areas of business, sales and personal motivation.
He brings over three decades of leadership experience in sales, marketing and general management to his projects. Schultheis spent the majority of his career at IBM. His 25-year tenure there spanned a variety of responsibilities in Richmond, Atlanta, and Indianapolis.
For more thoughts and discussion on these topics, please visit Dan’s Facebook Fan Page “Shedding Images.” You can also visit
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