The TQM829007 digitally controlled variable-gain amplifier (DVGA) operates from 600 to 1,000 MHz, while the TQM879008 operates from 1.5 to 2.7 GHz. Both are highly integrated modules that simplify circuit design by combining all required components within leadless 6 x 6-mm, industry-standard SMT packages.
The modules include gain blocks, a highly linear amplifier, matching components, bias chokes, and blocking capacitors, as well as a digitally controlled 6-bit attenuator that varies amplifier gain in 0.5-dB steps (across a 31.5-dB range) via a SPI. The DVGAs operate over a temperature range of –40° to 85°C and have a minimum MTTF of 1,000 years at a mounting temperature of 85°C. The TQM829007 features 31.5-dB gain control range in 0.5-dB steps, 31.5-dB gain, 24.3-dBm P1dB (39.5-dBm OIP3) RF output, 2.1-dB noise figure. It draws 174 mA from a 5-V supply. The TQM879008 offers 31.5-dB control range in 0.5-dB steps, 41.5-dB gain, 27.3-dBm P1dB (48.5-dBm OIP3) RF output; 3.9-dB noise figure. It draws 285 mA from 5-V supply. (Contact company for pricing and availability.)
By Christina Nickolas
TriQuint Semiconductor , Hillsboro , OR
Sales 503-615-9000
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