
Intel reinforces Multibus rear guard


Intel reinforces Multibus rear guard In the face of continued VMEbus
assaults, Intel Corp. (Santa Clara, CA) has moved to secure the Multibus
rear guard with a Multibus I 8086-based single-board computer. Designated
the iSBC 86/35A, the board is jumper selectable to function as an iSBC
86/35, 86/30, or 86/14 CPU board. According to Dick Binns, Intel's
Multibus marketing manager, the board illustrates the company's continued
commitment to Multibus I. “It guarantees design and application longevity
by providing a board that is end-of-life proof,” he said. This statement
correlates with recent findings by market researcher Venture Development
Corp. (VDC) of Natick, MA. The findings show that despite continued
VMEbus success in high-performance embedded systems, Multibus I and II
boards had worldwide revenues of $637 million in 1992–only $71 million
behind VME's $708 million. VDC attributes Multibus's continued success to
the large installed base needing support and Intel's strength in chip
technology and commitment offering a continued upgrade path to the
customer. The iSBC typifies this with backward compatibility along with
improved technology to allow for an on-board 8087 math coprocessor, up to
1 Mbyte of DRAM, and I/O cycle support for zero to two wait states. Other
features of the board include 8- or 5-MHz operation (10-MHz coming), 960
Kbytes of ROM, and two iSBX connectors. The board is available for $1,595
from stock to 1 week. For more information from Intel call Sales
800-438-4769 or , and from VDC, call Dan Baker at 508-653-9000 or .
–Patrick Mannion


The iSBC 86/35A offers an upgrade path for designers content to work
within the framework of the long-established Multibus I computing


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