Interger-N synthesizer improves system performance
The LTC6946 family of high performance integer-N frequency synthesizers with integrated VCO, delivers 226-dBc/Hz normalized closed-loop in-band phase noise, superior 274dBc/Hz normalized in-band 1/f noise, and best-in-class 103-dBc spurious output. In a typical 900-MHz application, these performance attributes help to achieve a closed-loop phase noise of -100dBc/Hz at 1-kHz offset.
The family integrates a low noise 5.7-GHz PLL and offers an on-chip SPI compatible bidirectional serial port. The VCO requires no external componenets.
The device is available in three frequency options: the LTC6946-1 tunes from 2.240 to 3.740 GHz; the LTC6946-2 from 3.080 to 4.910 GHz; and the LTC6946-3 covers 3.840 to 5.790 GHz. In addition, each part has an on-chip output divider that is programmable from 1 through 6 to extend frequency coverage to as low as 373 MHz.
The PLLWizard comprehensive PC-based design tool software is available to facilitate interactive control and interface with the LTC6946’s evaluation board. All versions of the LTC6946 are specified over –40° to 105°C and are available in a 4 x 5mm, 28-lead plastic QFN packages.(From $5.75 ea/1,000 — available now)
By Christina Nickolas
Linear Technology , Milpitas , CA
Sales Office 408-428-2050
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