
Interview, part 2: IBM discusses future of medical technology

Interview, part 2: IBM discusses future of medical technology

New technology is already being incorporated into medical workplaces; greater adoption expected

As a follow-up to the first part of Electronic Products’ interview with IBM concerning medical device technology, Paul Brody, Global Electronics Industry Leader, IBM Global Business Services, shares his thoughts on what the future of a more “connected” healthcare industry has in store for consumers.

Medical technology outlook

Electronic Products : Applying analytics to health data, such as the BodyMedia Armband example, has applications that extend beyond helping individuals to achieve their fitness goals. Would you care to elaborate on some of the additional benefits analytics can offer in this area? Specifically, would you share any insights you may have on the mobile device research that UMass’s Medical School is doing?

Paul Brody : According to published articles (, the University of Massachusetts Medical School is working on a mobile device for preventing and testing drug use. It uses biosensors to measure physiological changes, and includes a smartphone with software applications that respond to the body’s changes (drug cravings) in ways that are meant to change the user’s behavior. This is just one example of many exciting efforts underway in which people are applying their imagination to instrumented, intelligent, and interconnected devices in ways that will benefit others and society at large.

Electronic Products : What do you anticipate for 2012 in terms of the technology/data-driven fitness market?

Paul Brody : One of the oldest problems in computing is garbage-in / garbage-out; that is, bad data or no data in gets little or no data out. As we go forward, computing systems are more and more capable of doing analysis and making recommendations, but we’re struggling to get the necessary data into the system. Deploying more — and better — sensors and making sure they are connected into smartphones and other devices will be critical.

Interview, part 2: IBM discusses future of medical technology

Studies show that consumers are beginning to lean toward using technology in order to achieve their fitness goals.

Low-power wireless standards like Bluetooth 4 and Z-Wave will now make it possible to have sensors work for weeks or even months and to deliver data wirelessly. While these standards have been around for a while, the cost has been too high for mass-market usage. That’s changing now and so I think in 2012 and 2013 we’ll see an explosion in fitness devices embedded with these capabilities — from helmets to shoes. Rich streams of data will lead to a new wave of capability and usage that’s very exciting.

Whether connected online, to a PC, gaming device, tablet, or smartphone, wellness devices will become ubiquitous in the future, especially in caring for the sick, the elderly and those in need of medical assistance, but also for healthier people who want to achieve wellness goals.

IBM scientists and healthcare experts envision a number of new devices to help individuals with the following challenges:

Dieting — A new generation of devices for dieting will measure movement, speed, and intensity. These devices will engage users if they aren’t moving enough or provide a movement task to accomplish. Relying on the help of friends, family, and social networks, the devices could alert others to elicit motivation, encouragement, or even to “tell on them” to hold them accountable to a friend. These devices will be integrated into tools for monitoring medication adherence, blood pressure, and weight for a more complete picture of the user’s health.

Elder care — In the U.S., an estimated 5.4 million people have Alzheimer’s disease. In the United Kingdom, two-thirds of people with dementia live outside of a care facility. For patients suffering from memory loss or impairment, devices for establishing location and compliance with medication regimes, connected to a digital pill box, will be commonly used. These devices will pinpoint the location of both the user as well as the caregiver, to give the patient peace of mind, providing medication reminders and direct access to caregiver support.

Blood monitoring — The advent of a non-invasive blood test to automatically analyze blood via a wrist band will wirelessly transmit data to your doctor. When cholesterol levels spike, iron levels drop, or white blood cell counts increase, users will know when to modify their medications, or seek medical attention.

• Independence and mobility — Mobility is a critical factor to independent living, enabling people to remain in their homes and delay entry into assisted living and hospital facilities. Devices to keep people ambulatory will increasingly be used to monitor movement. These devices will provide coaching and tasks to improve coordination, range of motion and stability. They will also determine if the user is walking steadily, getting out of chairs easily, or if he or she needs assistance. Devices and sensors that predict conditions which could lead to a fall can alert the user to stop and rest or ask for help. It will also alert caregivers if a fall occurs.

Communication — New devices that tap brain waves will make it easier for the medically fragile and impaired to express their thoughts and sensations via a digital avatar of the human body. With the help of sensors, even nonverbal patients will be able to express how they are responding to specific treatments or pain, precisely indicate sensations in their body, or ask for medical attention, such as to change their position in bed or request more oxygen. These devices will capture important vital sign data as it streams in, interpreting it in real time and alerting caregivers to changes right away.

Electronic Products : Do you have any other thoughts that you wish to share with the Electronic Products audience?

Paul Brody : Consumers have a growing appetite for health and wellness devices, and this represents a burgeoning market opportunity for device manufacturers that has barely been tapped. Increasingly, wellness devices will be used to fill the information gap for consumers that are relatively healthy, but need devices that provide information to help them gain greater control over their conditions and lead healthier lives. These devices will plan, predict, and monitor information, feeding it directly to caregivers and clinicians as well as support networks. Users will interact with devices on their own terms, and connect them via broadband, wireless and wire line connections.

According to an IBM study conducted last year on the Future of Connected Health Devices (, this growing demand for devices is driven by “information seekers” — people who will increasingly turn to technology to help manage health-related challenges to reach their wellness goals.

The study surveyed more than 1,300 consumers currently using health and wellness devices and found that these consumers are demanding a new generation of health devices, greater simplicity, and better information sharing. Users want the ability to connect with their caregiver and reduce office visits to their healthcare professionals, as well as the ability to collaborate online with a community of peers with similar issues and interests.

Furthermore, they are willing to pay for it. More than one-third of current device users surveyed expect to contribute to the cost of new health devices over the next two years while 35% also expect to pay a monthly service fee. There is a big opportunity here for electronics manufacturers/device makers, but to be successful, they must partner to ensure they have the blend of skills, consumer understanding, and healthcare expertise necessary to succeed in this growing market.

According to the survey, users will expect devices to easily share information with their family or healthcare professionals. Additionally, they require:

Ease of use — 96% said ease of use is the top factor in selecting one device over another.

Reasonable pricing — Costs at, or below, $100 is a critical decision factor according to three quarters of users who consider price well ahead of features, customer support, warranty, or stylish design.

Real-time information sharing — 86% of consumers want real-time, easy-to-understand feedback from their devices.

Device companies will need to strengthen their collaboration and partnering skills since it is unlikely any single firm has all the capabilities required to offer a total solution. These companies may need to collaborate with software companies that develop user interfaces, or publishing companies that supply health-related information and content.

Both consumer and clinician adoption of devices will hinge not only on ease-of-use, but also on industry-wide interoperability. Device makers should get involved and participate actively in future standards for the connected health device ecosystem.

Additionally, manufacturers will need more than innovative, easy-to-use devices to succeed. A comprehensive consumer experience will be required. This must include online and retail support, accessories, additional information and content, social network support, and education.

Our thanks to Paul Brody and Pierre-Henri Clouin for participating in this Q&A.


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