This ITAR-FREE K-Band Low Noise Block (LNB) is designed to meet the extended K-Band Satcom bands and is ideally suited for airborne or SWaP applications where size weight and power are critical.
The unit provides 1.5dB Noise Figure over the full 2 GHz bandwidth from 19.2 to 21.2 GHz in 1 GHz electronically switchable bands. Options at time of order include internal or external 10 or 50 MHz ref in addition to a wide input voltage range. The unit also includes a digital attenuator and PLL lock indicator.
With a total weight of 1.1 lbs and approx size of 5.5” x 3.5” x 0.96” the unit is ideal for todays integrated light weight Ka-Band terminals.
Small Size Weight and Power
Supports both 10 MHz and 50 MHz Ref
Internal Low G-Sensitivity Ref Options
Wide Input Voltage Range
Operates over 19.2 to 21.2 GHz
Electronic Gain Control
Internal Built in Lock Alarm
Hermetically Sealed
TMS offers a complete suite of ITAR-FREE products for K/Ka Band systems that have been specifically developed for both legacy and new designs.
Learn more about Teledyne Microwave Solutions