This year’s Darnell Energy Summit (DES ’14) to be hosted in Richmond, Virginia, September 23-25 will feature several extended sessions and roundtable panels discussing the latest developments in Energy Harvesting, GaN Power Devices and 380Vdc Power .
The Roundtable Panel session on 380Vdc Powering will start off with full technical papers including: Overall Industry Update; Standards, System Component Availabilities and Future Trends by Dave Geary with Starline DC Solutions; World–Wide Connector Standards and Product Updates by Brian Davies with Anderson Power Products; Development of Appliance Coupler for 380-Vdc Data Centers by Bob Thorton, President/COO, with Fujitsu Components America; and Worldwide Power Conversion and Product Update and Trends by BJ Sonnenberg with Emerson Power. The session will conclude with an open roundtable panel featuring those same speakers. Join them in discussing and debating the future of 380Vdc powering!
You will find the complete DES ’14 Schedule here, including details about the Keynote presentation, Plenary sessions, General sessions, and Post-conference Seminar.
Darnell’s Energy Summit will be hosted in Richmond, Virginia, September 23-25. Save the Dates! And Save your Place with an Early Registration today.
For information about sponsoring, exhibiting, or other questions, contact Traci at: +1-951-279-6684 ext. 251 or email.