JTAG Embedded Test extends to i.MX51 processors
ScanExpress JTAG Embedded Test (JET) support is now available for all Freescale i.MX51 applications processors, providing at-speed testing of embedded processor-based electronic PCBs and systems to detect, isolate, and diagnose structural and functional defects.
ScanExpress JET controls the i.MX51’s ARM Cortex-A8 core through the JTAG debug port enabling binary and script test step execution using a GUI on the host PC. ScanExpress JET provides standardized interface tests for SDRAM memory, I2 C, Ethernet, PMIC, and UART; fast in-system programming and testing of parallel and serial NOR and NAND Flash, and fully automatic test development for all supported peripherals. (Contact company for price and availability.)
By Carolyn Mathas
Corelis , Cerritos , CA
Sales 888-808-2380
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