
JTAG module performs analog test, digital too

JTAG module performs analog test, digital too

The JT 2149/DAF I/O module is said to be the first compact device to offer both digital and analog JTAG test access to printed-circuit boards. The mixed-signal (digital/analog/frequency) measurement module employs a QuadPod signal conditioning interface to slot into a regular QuadPod transceiver system.

When connected to a circuit board via an edge connector or test fixture/jig test pins, the module enhances standard digital boundary-scan tests by enabling a series of analog as well as frequency measurements to be made. The module has 16 dual-purpose digital pins capable of digital I/O stimulus and response of 1.0 to 3.6 V, as well as frequency measurements up to 128 MHz on any pin. An additional 12 analog measurement channels can capture values from 0 to 33 V with better than 10-mV resolution. One further channel serves as a clock generator, programmable up to 64 MHz. The module can be controlled through an interactive panel (virtual instrument) within JTAG ProVision software as well as through Python scripts — a Python API is included in current ProVision releases. (Contact company for price and availability.)

By Richard Comerford

JTAG Technologies , Easton , MD
Information 877-367-5824


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