When it comes to the mail system, timing is everything, and the launch of this new technology is a testament to that — just in time for the upcoming onslaught of holiday cards and newsletters, Australia’s mail service has launched the “Video Stamp,” which will deliver a personal video message that recipients can view on their mobile device.
According to Australia Post, the Video Stamp is the world’s first to allow users the ability to send a 15-second personalized video along with their packages. The agency added that it will be distributed for free with Express Post and Express Courier International products during the pre-Christmas period.
“Christmas is a time when people want to be with their loved ones but more and more friends and family are scattered across the country and around the globe,” said Richard Umbers, executive general manager of parcel and express services.
“Australia Post has always helped people connect. This year we are doing more than ever to eliminate the tyranny of distance. The Video Stamp lets you send a little piece of yourself with your gift this Christmas.”
The steps necessary for sending and then accessing the video are pretty straightforward. Those sending the message must first scan the stamp, and then attach it to their parcel. They then have 12 hours to record a 15-second greeting using their mobile device and the free Australia Post Video Stamp app.
Once the parcel is delivered, the recipient simply scans the stamp with his / her mobile device and it will play the message.
All personalized messages will be made available for 90 days after recording, both online and via mobile device; the videos can also be shared through social media and e-mail.
Story via: phys.org
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