Keyboard has graphic LCD key switches
The DU848 Keyboard uses 48 of the manufacturer's D880 LCD key switches.
The switches use a 24 x 36-pixel matrix allowing up to 18 characters to be
displayed using a 5 x 7 font. Both red and green LED backlights can be
used. The keyboard communicates with the host using an RS-232/RS-422 port
and also comes with its own intelligent controller and power supply.
Programming is carried out with the Legend Font Maker software package.
The keycaps can be dark gray, light gray, or ivory. ($2,950–4 weeks ARO.
) C.Itoh Technology, Inc. Electronic Component Div. Irvine, CA Colman
Daniel 800-347-2484 ext. 4529; in CA, 714-757-4529 Fax 714-757-4423 EEM
FILE 5100