Kinetis MKV30F/MKV31F MCUs use a 100 or 120 MHz Cortex-M4 core and target motor control and power conversion applications with dual precision 1.2 Ms/s 16-bit A/D converters. They offer 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz performance with 64 to 512 Mbytes of flash and 16 to 96 Kbytes of RAM combined with floating point and DSP capability.
They have 12 highly flexible PWM channels and I2 C, UART, and SPI modules. They also feature a hardware CRC module, a 128-bit unique ID number, and flash access control security. They have 32 kHz, 4 MHz, and 48 MHz oscillators and run from 1.71 to 3.6 V over -40° to 105°C. From $1.59 ea/10,000.
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