Littleton, MA, USA – Lambda Research Corporation, a leading designer and publisher of illumination and optical design software, announces its Fall OSLO Training Courses, September – 5, 2014, at the M2i Formation Training Center in Sophia-Antipolis, France. Two sessions are planned; the first two-day session is the standard OSLO introductory training and the second one day session focuses on teaching advanced optical system design using OSLO. These sessions are
intended to immerse the user into the OSLO experience and ensure maximum productivity in the software’s powerful optical design environment.
OSLO (Optics Software for Layout and Optimization) is a powerful optical design program with the scope needed to meet today's optical design requirements at an affordable price. In addition to classical lens design features, OSLO combines advanced ray tracing, analysis, and optimization methods with the only compiled macro language in an optical design program, to quickly solve a wide variety of new problems in optical design.
The latest release, v6.6.2, consists of several updates and improvements: most notable is support for
the Hikari index interpolation formula and an overhaul of the glass catalogs to reflect the latest data
from CDGM, Hikari, Hoya, Ohara, Schott, and Sumita.
Learn more about Lambda Research