Large 3-color displays can be read at 600 ft
Ranging from 26 x 6.6 in. with 80 x 16 green/yellow/red LEDs to 39.3 x 22.5 in. at 120 x 64 multicolor LEDs in four sizes, the Plant Floor Marquee (PFM) series three-color displays are optimized for communicating critical machine status and production data in text or graphical format at distances up to 600 ft.
With free Crimson software and a G3 series HMI, Data Station Plus, or Modular Controller, the PFM can support over 170 different protocols to receive and display data from seven or more device types of virtually any sort simultaneously. The displays can also send SMS text messages when alarms are triggered. (From $799 — available now.)
Red Lion Controls , York , PA
Sales 717-767-6511
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