
Learn something new: Free online course teaches bioprinting (3D printing body parts) over four weeks

Class is specially designed to teach students all about 3D printing and biomaterials

While most everyone is familiar with 3D printing, lesser known is the art of bioprinting; that is, 3D printing body parts using biomaterials.

Bioprinted body parts
The Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM) wants to bring this technology to the forefront of engineers and technology enthusiasts alike. That’s why it’s put together a free four-week class that explores the topic in depth. 

Each class is two hours long. During this time, students will explore a range of topics on bioprinting: 
• What is 3D printing and how did it come about?
• Is it really possible to print structures that incorporate both living and artificial components?
• How long before we can print whole body organs for transplants?
• What is possible right now, and what will be possible in 20 and 50 years’ time?
• What are the limitations of this technology?

Biomaterials will also be explained, including the difference between using metals, ceramics, and polymers for body parts, as well as the best method for the actual printing of the parts: laser melting, hot-melt extrusion, inkjet printing, etc. 

Ultimately, attending students will have a better understanding of this emerging biotechnology, which many agree will soon see widespread adoption for everything from hip replacements to facial transplants to lab-grown organs, and more. 

Sound a bit intimidating? If so, take comfort in the class’s disclaimer: “This course is designed for a general audience. No previous knowledge of 3D printing or biomedicine is required.”

So what do you have to lose? The class will be taught by Gordon Wallace, a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, who many consider to be the leading scientist on the topic of electromaterials. He recently wrote a share-worthy article on the topic of bioprinting for the Future Learn blog, entitled “How is 3D printing revolutionizing healthcare?

AIIM’s free 3D bioprinting class begins March 21st. You can register to attend here. All students who finish the course will receive a formal certificate of completion.


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