
LED flash driver improves picture quality

The ADP1650 white LED driver features a programmable I2 C-compatible interface, programmable torch and flash currents for one LED up to 1,500 mA, two independent TxMASK inputs and a 4-bit A/D converter. The new LED driver also provides high efficiency at 85% at the typical battery voltage (90% peak) which reduces high levels of input battery current during flash and limits battery current drain in torch mode.

In addition, the driver integrates a programmable 1.5-MHz or 3.0-MHz synchronous inductive boost converter, a 1-mm high, 1-μH power inductor, and 0603 case-size input and output capacitors. Housed in 12-bump WLCSP or 10-lead LFCSP packages, the ADP1650 operates over a temperature range from –40° to 125°C. (From $0.95 ea/1,000 — available now.)

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