
LED modules are tiny, flat, bright

MiniZeni series high-power LED modules have compact outer dimensions and are extremely flat and bright. The 15 x 12 x 1.6 mm units require 56% of the volume of the company’s previous devices with approximately the same light output. Units have light output to 410 lm and CRI values of at least 87.

LED modules are tiny, flat, bright

Available in 6.7 and a 3.6-W versions, the modules use phosphor-coated blue LEDs that are interconnected in a square matrix on a ceramic plate. The 6.7-W versions have matrices of 45 LEDs arranged in 15 parallel-switched series, while the 3.6-W units’ matrices consist of 24 LEDs arranged in 8 parallel-switched series. (Contact Ralf Schäfer for pricing and availability.)

Sharp Microelectronics
Hamburg , Germany
Ralf Schäfer 011-49-40-2376-2487


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