Li-ion/Li-polymer chargers offer auto USB, ac power-source selection
Controllers combine charging performance, safety features, and packaging options for dual-input, auto-switching, integrated chargers
The MCP73837 and MCP73838 dual-input high-current Li-ion/polymer charge-management controllers provide automatic USB or ac adapter power-source selection. The single-cell integrated chargers enable charge currents of up to 1 A from an ac power source, plus charging currents of up to 100 or 500 mA from a USB port. They have on-chip safety features, and are available in 10-pin MSOP and 3 x 3-mm DFN packages.
The auto power-source selection from either a USB port or ac adapter means that the charger designs can automatically charge from a PC’s USB port when no ac power is available. When powered from a USB port, the devices ensure compliance with USB power specifications and adjust outputs accordingly.
The controller’s high charge currents of up to 1 A from an ac power source enable fast charging cycles. On-chip safety features include thermal regulation, cell-temperature monitoring and charge timers, in addition to VREG output and safety timeout period, charging parameters include preconditioning current threshold and current ratio, charge termination threshold, and recharge threshold ratio.
The devices are suitable for portable battery-powered consumer electronic devices, such as PDAs, portable DVD players, and personal media players. ($0.89 ea/10,000 available now.)
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