Designed for receiving broadcast TV on mobile phones, smart phones, and other handheld devices, the uPD5740T6N LNA is a wideband IC with a bypass/through function. At 770 MHz and LNA mode, the part offers an ICC of 5 mA, a noise figure of 1.5 dB, a gain of 13.5 dB, and IIP3 of 2 dBm, while in bypass mode it offers an ICC of 1 µA, an insertion loss of 1.3 dB, and an IIP3 of 30 dBm.
Housed in a 6-pin TSON package, the part operates with a supply voltage of 2.8 V and a control voltage of 1.0 V. (From $0.48 ea/1,000,000 — available now.)
California Eastern Laboratories , Santa Clara , CA
David Cohen 408-919-2500
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