Logic analyzer provides wide assortment of debug tools
General-purpose analyzer supports analysis of microprocessors operating
at clock speeds up to 50 MHz
The GPX general-purpose logic analyzer boasts a truly broad array of
features and tools that allow hardware and software engineers to debug
their systems. In fact, it may be the only equipment they need for debug
in many applications. The analyzer provides high-speed timing and state
acquisition, simultaneous state and timing capability, disassemblers,
real-time performance analysis, links to high-level languages, and ROM
emulator. Its high-speed, general-purpose analysis capabilities support
all of today's high-speed microprocessors, including 486-based systems at
clock speeds up to 50 MHz. Tightly integrated into the GPX are 1-GHz
timing analysis capabilities across 16 channels, or 200-MHz transitional
timing over 80 channels, 80-MHz state analysis on all 80 channels, and the
ability to acquire both state and timing data through the same probes
without double probing. Channel counts can be doubled by combining two GPX
modules in a two-slot mainframe available for that purpose. Rounding out
support for the product design team are four features targeted to the
software developers: four modes of disassembly for software debug,
real-time performance analysis for tuning software, a ROM emulator for
downloading code and patching software through the logic analyzer, and
links to high-level language compilers.
Getting up to speed The GPX's high-speed, 1-ns timing analysis capability
should prove particularly useful as today's ICs and microprocessors
continue to increase in speed, thereby creating narrower timing margins.
The GPX handles this problem through its high-resolution mode with 1-GHz
timing over 16 channels, 40 Kwords deep for 1-ns resolution, or its
200-MHz timing over all 80 channels, 8 Kwords deep for 5-ns resolution.
Designers can use the high-resolution mode to accurately determine
tolerances on key signals that have very tight specifications. The GPX's
80-MHz state analysis supports across 80 channels all of the major
microprocessors on the market. Up to four microprocessors can be monitored
simultaneously. Microprocessors probe adapters and disassemblers are
available for over 20 different microprocessors, including the Motorola
68040, the Intel 8086 family up to the 50-MHz 80486, and most popular
microcontrollers and DSPs. A particularly useful feature of the GPX is
its ability to acquire both synchronous and asynchronous data through the
same probe at the same time. The GPX's dual time bases can be assigned to
the same probe and acquisition can be controlled by the trigger state
machine to specify when to store state data and when to store timing data.
This maximizes the use of the 8 Kwords of acquisition memory since the
user only stores the desired data. With simultaneous state and timing
capabilities, the user doesn't need to double probe suspect signals;
instead, the user assigns the second time base to the desired channels. Few
would argue that setting up the trigger is the most difficult part of
using a logic analyzer. To help overcome this problem, 27 of the most
common trigger conditions are pre-programmed into the analyzer.
Pre-programmed trigger applications include such events as trigger on word
within range, measure pulse width, and trigger on the nth occurrence of a
Software engineers not forgotten GPX disassembly software captures
program execution, allowing the user to display the program at five
different levels of abstraction: subroutine, control flow, software,
hardware and state. Each level of disassembly display can include
high-level language symbols to provide a link back to a program listing.
Links to high-level languages such as C, Pascal, and Ada are made possible
through Tektronix' LA-Connect program, which provides links to most
popular compilers on the market today. The GPX offers real-time
performance analysis, giving users a real-time graphical overview of where
a system is spending its time. This provides a quick and accurate way to
determine how best to fine-tune a system for optimal performance. The GPX
can acquire data in real-time at bus rate up to a full 80 MHz, so no data
is missed. The ability to control a microprocessor, download code, and
set hardware breakpoints is possible through the GPX ROM emulator, called
the Prototype Development Tool, or PDT. PDT often eliminates the need for
limited-functionality in-circuit emulators. The GPX is available in
different versions. The 3001 GPX is a portable, single module (see photo)
with an optional 40-Mbyte hard disk. Another version, the 32 GPX module,
can be installed in the manufacturer's Prism 3002 two-slot mainframe with
a 40-Mbyte hard disk, RS-232, GPIB (optional), high-resolution 13-in.
display, and MS-DOS-compatible 3 1/2-in. floppy-disk drive. Both systems
can be expanded by two slots with a 3002E expansion mainframe. (3001GPX,
$8,995; 32GPX module, $7,995; 3002 mainframe, $6,000; expansion mainframe
$2,000–6 weeks ARO.) Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR Marketing
The GPX general-purpose logic analyzer provide an integrated set of debug
tools for both hardware and software engineers.