Low-cost computer has 4.3-in. LCD touch panel
The PL-80270 economical fanless open-frame touch-panel computer is designed for human-machine interface. The unit features an Apusone MAP100 ARM 926 display processor, a 4.3-in. resistive touch TFT LCD panel with a resolution of 480 x 272, a 10/100Base-T network port, three RS-232 interfaces, an SD card slot, and a smart-card reader.
The panel also has 256 Mbytes of SDRAM, 256 Mbytes of flash, two optically coupled inputs, two relay outputs, and five TTL keypad inputs. Windows CE 6.0 core version is included. ($112 ea/20 — available now.)
By Jim Harrison
WIN Enterprises , North Andover , MA
Sales 978-688-2000 x23
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