The Spartan-3A DSP XC3SD1800A and XC3SD3400A low-cost FPGAs deliver 21 and 32 GMAC/s DSP performance, respectively. The chips also feature 1.5- and 2.2-Gbit/s memory bandwidth, with up to 53,712 logic cells, 2268 Kbits of block RAM, and 373 Kbits of distributed RAM.
The ICs are supported by the System Generator 9.1i release, AccelDSP synthesis software, and the System Generator for DSP tool. The devices have 622-Mbit/s LVDS I/Os and are available in 19 x 19-mm CS(G)484 and 27 x 27-mm FG(G)676 packages. (3SD3400A, $44.95; 3SD1800A, $29.85—samples available now; prod qty, 3rd qtr.)
Xilinx , San Jose , CA
Sales 408-559-7778
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