
Low power 6,000 CoreMark CPU uses Cortex-A7

The QorIQ LS1021A processor provides approximately 6,000 CoreMark performance with dual Cortex-A7 cores. It has a 32 Mbytes D-cache, a 512 Myte L2 cache, full ECC protection, virtualization support, a security engine, and takes only 3.5 W running at 1.0 GHz.


The IC has a DDR3L/DDR4 memory interface, a SATA3 6 Gbit/s interface, three triple speed Ethernet controllers, USB 3.0 with integrated PHY, PWM generation, and an LCD controller with touch support. It comes in a 19 x 19 mm package and LS1020A and LS1022A versions are also available. From $12.50 ea/10,000, samples Q1 2014.


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