Low-power prescalers operate from 2.7 V
The NE/SA701/2/3 prescaler ICs draw only 4.5 mA when operating from a 3-V
supply. The devices can operate from a supply voltage as low as 2.7 V and
have a maximum input signal frequency of 1.2 GHz. The NE/SA701 is a
dual-modulus divide-by-128/129 or -64/65 circuit; the NE/SA702 is a
triple-modulus divide-by-64/65/72 circuit; and the NE/SA703 is a
triple-modulus divide-by-128/129/144 circuit. The prescalers come in 8-pin
plastic SO packages. (From $2.95 ea/1,000–samples available now.)
Signetics Co., Sunnyvale, CA Rob Ockeloen 408-991-4520