HL2.AUG–Harris Corp.–RP
High-speed four-quadrant analog multipliers are specified for video
Devices are specified for gain flatness and differential gain error
The HA-2556 and HA-2557 are high-speed monolithic four-quadrant analog
multipliers for mixers and AGC applications. According to the company, the
devices are the industry's only available four-quadrant multipliers
specified for differential gain error and gain flatness. The HA-2556
features an X and Y channel with a 65-MHz 3-dB bandwidth, a 420-V/μs
slew rate, 0.2 dB of gain tolerance to 8.5 MHz, and differential gain and
phase errors of 0.1% and 0.1 degrees, respectively. Other specifications
include a -50-dB feedthrough, 1.5% multiplication error, and a full-scale
range of +/-5 V operating from a +/-15-V supply. The HA-2557 has a
single-ended current output trimmed to 1.6 mA and a -3-dB bandwidth of 100
MHz. The device does not include an on-chip amplifier, and an internal
feedback resistor allows accurate conversion of current output to a
full-scale output voltage of +/-4 V. The HA-2556 and HA-2557 are available
in 16-pin CerDIPs, plastic DIPs, and small-outline packages. (From $7.72
ea/100–stock.) Harris Corp., Melbourne, FL Information 800-4-HARRIS,
ext. 7095
The HA-2556 and HA-2557 high-speed four-quadrant analog multipliers are
specified for differential gain error and gain flatness.