Suited for utility and delivery vehicles, as well as vehicles with ancillary on-board equipment, the SureStart 48513 low-voltage disconnect (LVD) switch electronically senses battery voltage and conserves starting power by disconnecting noncritical loads, prolonging battery life by preventing battery damage due to excessive discharge. Unlike many voltage-monitoring devices, the SureStart LVD switch does not require a separate solenoid to control high current.
Measuring 4.5 x 4 x 4.27 in., the switch has a rating of 100 A at 12 or 24 Vdc. Its service life exceeds 1,000,000 on/off cycles, and it also features a manual override that allows users to connect or disconnect the switch when needed, regardless of voltage. (Call company for pricing — available now.)
Cole Hersee , Boston , MA
Information 617-268-2100, ext. 329
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