Machine Optimization through DC Motor Selection
There are so many motors on the market today, from heavy-duty AC motors to tiny DC brushless and stepper motors. To use any of the motors users must have a full understanding of the application parameters, including power, speed, torque, physical size, efficiency, lifetime expectations, and other requirements. There have literally been books published about each of these aspects, and to define them all accurately in a short article would be difficult to say the least.
What this article will do is spell out the primary differences between DC brushed and brushless motors, what they can do, where they fit best, and how to decide which to use in your application. DC motors are being used in more and more industrial applications because of their flexibility and long life. Therefore, DC motor selection is often one of the most important steps in providing motion control of a medical machine, whether for prosthetics, medical tools, robotics, or medical training aids.■
Learn more about Maxon Precision Motors