
Mattel’s classic View-Master toy gets virtual reality overhaul courtesy of Google — will sell for $30 this fall

Two companies work together to give generational toy a 21st century feel

While most of us know the View-Master as the stereoscopic photo viewing toy that uses small, colored film to bring 3D images to life, tomorrow’s generation will know it better as a virtual reality handset.

New View-Finder
Making its debut at the World Toy Fair in NYC, Mattel announced a refurbished version of the iconic toy. To achieve this technological benchmark, the company partnered with Google, which lent its virtual reality cardboard technology (wherein a user slides their mobile device into a cardboard box and launches the technology’s corresponding app) to Mattel to facilitate the upgrade.

Google cardboard virtual reality
“The View-Master was first introduced at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, giving consumers access to spectacular 3D worlds by simply selecting a reel and looking through a device,” said Doug Wadleigh, SVP and Global Brand General Manager, Toy Box at Mattel. “By working with Google’s Cardboard platform, we are now able to take that experience even further bringing the discovery and immersive viewing experience of the View-Master to the digital age. Combining technology and innovation with this classic toy gives kids an enhanced experience allowing for play opportunities not yet imagined through new, digitally curated content.”

The new View-Master works pretty much in the same fashion as its cardboard counterpart — launch the app on an Android phone, slide the device into a plastic cover, and look through the viewing windows. Where it’s a bit different is the inclusion of the View-Master’s “experience reel” which, when paired with the app and smartphone, provides the user with a richer View-Master experience.

View-finder experience reels
Since it’s kind of hard to visually show what this looks like without using the actual, physical View-Master, the experience is described as follows: when the user looks through the windows, a 3D image appears at the center of the circular reel — hit the View-Master’s button (located on the side of the handset) and the object is populated by surrounding, visual elements, thereby giving the user the experience of having entered a virtual reality world. 

As the individual looks from side to side, the relating landscape adjusts, and little circular blurbs pop up. Hit the button again, and facts relating to the 3D image will show up. 

“We developed Google Cardboard as an open platform to inspire companies like Mattel to rethink how to deliver new user experiences through technology,” said Mike Jazayeri, Product Director for Google Cardboard. “Many of us on the Google Cardboard team grew up playing with View-Master, so we were excited to collaborate with Mattel and to see the viewer evolve and work with Google Cardboard.”

While some of the programs are from actual areas of the world (e.g. exploring the streets of Paris), others — like, say, dinosaurs and space — rely more so on animation. Mattel demonstrated that with the latter group, the images can be enhanced with CGI technology to show things like what it’s like to fly through the galaxy, and more.

When the toy is launched, consumers will have the option of buying additional reels for other immersive experience (reels will be sold four for $14.99)

Mattel said it is still scratching the surface of virtual reality with its brands, including Hot Wheels and Barbie. 

“We are also in the process of adding light gaming — interactivity is the key to making this work,” Doug Wadleigh, Mattel's senior vice-president and general manager, told attendees at the View-Master unveiling.

In terms of who this new toy is best suited for, Mattel has rated the View-Master for ages 7 and up. The company also made it a point to say that their Virtual Reality headset shouldn’t cause dizziness (a complaint often associated with other headsets). Officials said that the View-Master should only be used for a short period of time, and that testing of the toy is still being conducted. 

The new View-Master is expected to launch in October; it will retail for $29.99.

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