The LC87FA308A 8-bit microcontroller offers a very low operation voltage of 1.6 to 5.5 V and only 0.4 μA current draw with the RT clock running. A current consumption of only 5.3 μA is realized at 3 V in normal operation.
The IC features chip-debugging with one-wire communication and has 8 Kbytes of flash and 256 bytes of RAM. It has a 12-bit 8-channel A/D converter, and comes in VCT24 3.0 × 3.0-mm, SSOP24 6.5 × 6.4-mm, and MFP24S 12.5 × 7.6-mm packages. ($3.00 ea/sample qty — samples available September.)
Sanyo Semiconductor , Saddle Brook , NJ
Information 201-825-8080
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