Iron Man is known worldwide as one of the strongest, most powerful and ingenious superheroes of all time. And similar to Tony Stark’s claim to fame as a brilliant inventor, so too has Pat Starace, a mechanical designer and animator, created a device that is just as useful as it is, well… awesome.
The recently unveiled 3-D printed prosthetic “Iron Man” hand uses a battery, Bluetooth connectivity, a USB charger and Arduino technology to help wearers sense the world around them. In addition, the prosthetic’s wearer can activate “thrusters,” actually LED light displays, by tilting back his/her hand.
Starace says he invented the Iron Man-inspired prosthetic hand with laser beam-like capabilities and voice control to help “raise kids' self-esteem to ‘superhero levels.’”
As 3-D printing technology has advanced in recent years, prosthetics have comprised just one industry that has been impacted by this low-cost, highly functional option. And while the recently released “Iron Man” hand is currently just a prototype, Starace has plans to donate these prosthetics to families for free and to eventually partner with E-nable, a group that helps to create and design 3-D printed assistive prosthesis for those in need.
So, this latest invention begs the question… how much longer until the 3-D printed version of the prosthetic hand with web shooters is revealed?
Via Mashable
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