With 5G coming in a few years, telecom providers are increasing small cell deployment, adding microwave backhaul systems as well as synchronous Ethernet and optical communications as communication networks become increasingly more densely deployed. Communication equipment has to face more exposure to high temperature, thermal shock, vibration, and widely varying air flow — a very bad environment for quartz oscillators in networking, server, storage, and telecom (NSST) systems in which dynamic timing performance is critical.
Enter the MEMS oscillator architecture. SiTime Corp. has introduced an innovative Elite Platform that features Super-TCXOs (temperature compensated oscillators). This platform will be a necessity in helping communications equipment to deliver the highest performance, best reliability, and highest quality of service, even in the presence of environmental stressors — especially vibration. These new solutions employ an innovative DualMEMS architecture with TurboCompensation. The MEMS architecture provides a robust, reliable, and proven TempFlat MEMS that eliminates activity dips and has 30 times better vibration immunity than quartz timing devices. With DualMEMS temperature sensing, which has 100% accurate thermal coupling, the MEMS oscillator enables 40-times-faster temperature tracking to ensure the best performance under airflow and rapid temperature changes.
The devices also have highly integrated mixed-signal circuits with on-chip regulators, a TDC (temperature to digital converter), and a low-noise PLL that deliver five-times-better immunity to power-supply noise; 30-uK temperature resolution that is 10 times better than quartz; and support for any frequency between 1 and 700 MHz. No fan needed here, with –40°C to 105°C operation in outdoor equipment.
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