MEMS gyro packs 360 degrees of freedom in a single package
Said to be the first high-performance analog three-axis gyroscope, the LYPR540AH aims to promote widespread adoption of realistic-motion user interfaces in all kinds of consumer applications. Housed in a 4.4 x 7.5 x 1.1-mm package, the device provides 360° angular-rate detection for high-precision 3-D gesture and motion recognition. By combining the gyroscope with a three-axis accelerometer, designers can create an Inertial Measurement Unit that detects and delivers data on the type, rate, and direction of motion.
For each axes, the gyroscope simultaneously provides two separate outputs: an amplified output with 400-degrees/second (dps) full scale for high-accuracy detection of slow motion, and an unamplified 1,600-dps full-scale output for very fast gestures/movements. Sensitivity is 3.2 mV/dps for amplified and 0.8 mV/dps for unamplified outputs and it is stable to within 0.07%/°C typ over the device’s 40° to 85°C operating range. The device has typical linearity to within ±1% FS, and its unique combination of dual outputs, high resolution, and excellent stability should simplify both software and hardware integration.
The gyro operates from a 2.7 to 3.6-V supply and withstand accelerations of 3,000 g for 0.5 ms and 10,000 g for 0.1 ms. The robust unit is made using the same MEMS-manufacturing process used to produce more than 600 million accelerometers. ($3.60 ea / 10,000 samples available now, prod qty 1st qtr 2010.)
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