
‘MEMS is mainstream’ says MEMS Congress

This year, the MEMS Industry Group's annual MEMS Congress makes it a key point to recognize that the MEMS technology is no longer a technical oddity employed only in esoteric electronic systems, but a part of everyday life. Therefore it follows that the Wednesday, November 2, keynote speaker, Livingston Securities CEO Scott Livingston, should choose as his topic “Financing innovation in the public markets How to Unleash the Great American Innovation Machine” to look at the fiscal requirements for the new mainstream technology.

Livingston will then moderate a market analyst panel composed of Forrester Research Vice President Julie Ask, iSuppli Director Jeremie Bouchaud, Yole Développement GM Jean-Christophe Eloy, and Semico Research Chief of Technology Tony Massimini. The panel members will present their outlook for future growth and trends in MEMS, examining new opportunities for growth, new applications for MEMS, as well as market leaders and losers.

Thursday’s keynote will be by IBM Rational Client Partnerships Program Director Per Asberg. His speech is entitled “Accelerating Innovation Through Systems Engineering Best Practices.” By examining IBM's role in helping streamline the development design process for real-world systems in automobiles, electronics, and medical devices verticals, Asberg will provide best practices on how organizations can help their engineering teams produce new, innovative products within stringent budgets and deadlines.

Micralyne President and CEO Nancy Fares will then chair a panel called “MEMS Foundry Models In-House, Fab-Lite, Fabless” to look at how MEMS fabrication has evolved, creating fabless and fablite manufacturing; while some companies make the choice to keep their fab in-house.

A new event this year, the MEMS Technology Showcase, will emphasize that MEMS devices are now found everywhere. Selected participants will give a five-minute presentation and product demonstration, and attendees will select the best product.

The first afternoon session will focus on the latest trend in MEMS, “MEMS Sensor Fusion/Sensor Networks.” Sponsored by STMicroelectronics and moderated by Coventor President and CEO Michael Jamiolkowski, the panel will present examples of sensor fusion in healthcare, consumer, automotive, and industrial applications.

The final panel will review the continued expansion of MEMS in consumer products. Moderated by InvenSense CEO Steve Nasiri, the panel will discuss consumer applications with great potential for MEMS and the role of software and sensor integration.

The final presentation will be by Toffler Associates Business Director Aaron Schulman, examining the drivers of change that are shaping the future. He notes that “Over the next 20 years, corporate executives and scientists in and around the MEMS industry — and, indeed, in all industries — will face unprecedented challenges brought on by accelerating change, both nationally and globally.” Schulman will describe how organizations must be ready to adjust plans and risk management practices rapidly to succeed.

The MEMS Congress will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 2 and Thursday, Nov. 3, at the Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa in Monterey, CA, followed by a golf outing on Friday, Nov. 4. For information on attending, visit pages/index.cfm?pageid=3915.


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