From November 4 to 6 this year at The Meritage Resort & Spa in Napa, CA, MEMS Industry Group’s (MIG’s) MEMS Executive Congress US 2015 will explore the market drivers behind the double-digit growth propelling MEMS and sensors to more than $20 billion by 2020, according to figures provided by market researcher Yole Développement.
The Meritage Resort & Spa, Napa, CA (Photo Credit: Rex Gelert)
“From the smart home and the highway to the factory floor and the hospital, tens of billions of MEMS and sensors add greater intelligence to the ways we live our lives and do our work,” said Karen Lightman, executive director, MEMS Industry Group. She also notes that the dramatic growth in the MEMS market alone should reach nearly 25 billion units annually by 2019, according to the market research firm IHS. “And if we add a selection of sensors — magnetic sensors, light sensors and emerging sensors for consumer applications, such as fingerprint sensors — we are looking at an additional 5-plus billion units by that time. That's a massive number of MEMS/sensors adding product-differentiating value to commercial applications just four years from today.”
To dig deeper into this phenomenon, the conference will offer keynotes by Steve Nasiri, of Nasiri Ventures, and Wouter Leibbrandt, senior director of systems and applications, NXP, as well as sessions with such speakers as Alissa Fitzgerald, founder & managing member of AM Fitzgerald & Associates; Jack McCauley, president, R0R3 Devices; Jérémie Bouchaud, director & senior principal analyst, IHS; David Horsley, CTO, Chirp Microsystems; K.G. Ganapathi, executive director, general manager of the MEMS Sensors Business Unit, Lenovo; Dan Armbrust, CEO and co-founder, Silicon Catalyst; Josh Knauer, CEO, Rhiza; and Jeff Owens, CTO, Delphi. For further information, contact MIG via phone: 412/390-1644, email: or visit: .
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