Military test engineers aim to link ATE, integrated diagnostics
Popularly known as Autotestcon, the annual Systems Readiness Technology Conference will convene for the 42nd time later this month in Baltimore. This year, the official theme of the conference is transforming maintenance by closing the loop between ATE and integrated diagnostics.
The meeting’s 28 technical sessions will focus on the dynamic changes occurring in the test and maintenance community due to technologies ranging from wireless data collection to re-hosting of legacy ATE systems. The first sessions will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 18th, at 3:15 p.m. and the last will conclude at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday.
Over 150 companies and institutions will be represented on the exhibit to demonstrate a raft of new test solutions. For instance, Pickering Interfaces ( plans to show a range of high-density RF switching modules, each having high-performance switching characteristics to 3 GHz and stable to 3.5 GHz.
Anritsu ( will introduce a fast-switching synthesizer designed for antenna, radar, and electronic-warfare test. The unit is said to provide higher throughput in testing data intensive systems and high-performance pulse modulation using signal simulation. Also, American Reliance ( will show the latest developments in high-performance electronic loads.
Richard Comerford
Autotestcon 2007 will be held Monday, Sept. 17, through Thursday, Sept. 20, at the Baltimore Convention Center, Maryland. For more information, visit
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