The 8-mm square P08x Series side-adjust panel potentiometers work with a variety of audio/visual and communication equipment and appliances. Offered in in multigang version up to four gangs, the potentiometers are available with rotary switch, dual shaft and detent options and feature a cycle life up to 100,000 rotations.
The potentiometers have a 500-Ω to 1-MΩ resistance range, offer standard tolerances to ±20% with taper options that include A (audio), B (linear), and C (reverse linear) and operating temperatures are from –55° to 125°C. The series includes the P08xN side-adjust potentiometer module, the P08xS side-adjust rotary-switch module, the P08xD side-adjust dual-shaft module, and the P08xE side-adjust dual-shaft-with-rotary-switch module. (Contact company for pricing and availability.)
By Christina D’Airo
BI Technologies , Fullerton , CA
Sales, North America
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