
Mixed-signal scopes have prices starting under $700

Mixed-signal scopes have prices starting under $700

Instruments provide 2 analog and 16 digital channels as well as sophisticated automatic measurement routines

Said to be the lowest-priced instruments of their kind in the world, DS 1000CD Series mixed signal oscilloscopes provide 2 channels for viewing analog waveforms and can simultaneously view 16 digital channels through its logic analyzer module. With prices ranging from $699 to 1,499, the series consists of four models — the DS 1022CD, 1042CD, 1062CD, and 1102CD with respective bandwidths of 25, 40, 60, and 100 MHz — all with 400-Msample/s real-time and 25-Gsample/s equivalent-time sample rates.

The 100 to 240-Vac-powered benchtop units come with a 1-Msample memory, or 512 ksamples per analog channel, and are compact and lightweight: 300 x 154 x 133 mm, 2.3 kg. Waveforms are displayed with 8-bit vertical resolution on a 5.7-in. TFT color screen.

The scopes provide a host of automatic measurementsincluding frequency, overshoot, rise time, duty cycle, and moreas well as three cursor-measurement modes and five waveform-math operations. The MSOs can store up to 10 waveforms and setups, and can act as a USB host or download data via a front-panel USB port. (DS 1022CD, $699; 1042CD, $999, 1062CD, $1,299; 1102CD, $1,499 — available now.)

RIGOL Technologies , Monument , CO
Information 719-488-8306


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