The 8.5 to 11-GHz XZ1002-BD GaAs MMIC core chip consists of integrated transmit/receive switches, an LNA, a 6-bit phase shifter, a 5-bit attenuator, and a driver amplifier. The XZ1002-BD is well suited for both military and weather phased array radar applications and satellite communications systems.
It also features parallel data input and compensated on-chip gate bias and delivers 21-dB receive gain, 23.5-dB transmit P1dB, and 28-dBm receive OIP3. The transmit amplifier also has a typical small signal gain of 19 dB with excellent input and output match. (Call sales for pricing — samples now; prod qty, 14 weeks ARO.)
Mimix Broadband , Houston , TX
Information 281-988-4615
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