The HMC641 non-reflective GaAs pHEMT SP4T MMIC switch operates from dc to 18 GHz, exhibits 2-dB insertion loss and 42-dB isolation at midband, and features an on-chip binary decoder that requires only two control lines. High P1dB and input IP3 performance of 24 and 40 dBm, respectively, make the chip ideal for applications requiring moderate to high linearity.
The part accepts control voltages of 0 and 5 V with a fixed 5-V supply, and draws only 3 mA. This compact MMIC SP4T switch requires no external matching components and occupies a footprint of only 1.9 x 1.6 mm. ($58.71 ea/99 — available now.)
Hittite Microwave
Chelmsford , MA
Sales 978-250-3343
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