Capable of operation from dc to 20 GHz, the HMC641LC4 GaAs pHEMT MMIC SP4T switch is a nonreflective switch that exhibits 2.1-dB insertion loss and 42-dB isolation at midband. The device is housed in a ceramic RoHS-compliant 4 x 4-mm SMT package and features an on-chip binary decoderthat requires only two control lines.
Additional feature include a P1dB of 23 dBm and and input IP3 performance 39 dBm. The device accepts control voltages of 0 and 5 V, and consumes only 3 mA. This versatile high-isolation switch requires no external matching components and is compatible with high-volume surface-mount manufacturing techniques. ($80.13 ea/10 — stock.)
Hittite Microwave
Chelmsford , MA
Sales 978-250-3343
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