The ready-to-go app Arduino Simulator gives you the freedom to work without the basic setup of hardware and software, but has the same feel of a fully assembled Arduino kit. It's designed for both experienced Arduino developers and beginners, and it's even safe for children who are interested in electronics.
The Arduino Simulator app for iOS.
With this app, you can change the pre-defined values in the code to see LEDs blink, and play with additional modules such as an LCD screen, stepper motor, servo actuator, and dc motor. You're able to drag and place wires in the correct positions to connect to the Arduino, and if the wires are placed according to the code, it will show expected results. Make necessary changes in the code, such as delay, pin number and state, and once completed, you can save the tested code and e-mail it to use in a real project. Copying the code in an actual project is just as simple.
Additional Options
Arduino Simulator comes with many options available as in-app purchases, including:
Blink LED: Blinking an LED is one of the easiest things you can do with an Arduino. Customize the given code with this app, and upload and execute the program to get the blinking LED.
Digital Pins: Digital pins come in two states, either ON or OFF. You can use these digital pins as input or output pins by configuring them with the function pinMode(). If not specified by pinMode(), the default mode is input.
LED Matrix : This setup can work as an 8 x 8 LED matrix driver.
Touch Sensor: The touch sensor is a useful circuit, as it's able to sense touch.
Tone Generator: This generator describes the setup to creating midi tones using an Arduino.
Arduino Piano : With this in-app purchase, you can create, program, and play your own piano keyboard.
Seven-Segmented Display : This display describes how to control a seven-segment display using an Arduino.
Arduino and Light Sensor (IDR): Read the output values from an IDR and, according to the values, control an LED.
Ultra Sonic Distance Sensor: With this setup, you can find the distance from a certain point by using an Arduino and ultrasonic distance sensor.
Arduino and PIR Sensor: This demonstrates how you can connect a PIR sensor to a microcontroller board, or Arduino, and the response according to nearby motion.
App Details
Arduino Simulator is compatible with Anrdoid devices, as well as iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, and requires iOS 4.3 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Cost: $2.99 (iOS)
$3.99 (Android)
Download Arduino Simulator at the App Store or from Google Play.
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