The first embedded controller for AXIe, the M9536A one-slot module can be used to build compact systems for high-performance applications such as RF/µW, wireless communication manufacturing, BERT, radar, high-energy physics research, and plasma control in fusion research. The controller can also be integrated easily into hybrid test systems using USB and LAN.
The controller — which has an Intel Xeon L5518 quad-core processor running at 2.13 GHz, a PCIe Gen2 backplane, 8 Gbytes of RAM, and a 160-Gbyte SSD — is designed for use with high-speed digital AXIe modules such as the U4301A PCI Express Gen3 analyzer, the M9180A 12-Gsample/s arbitrary waveform generator, and the U4154A DDR logic analyzer. The module is preloaded with a Windows OS and Agilent I/O libraries. ($8,900 — available for order now.)
By Richard Comerford
Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-829-4444
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