
Modular controller is first for AXIe

The first embedded controller for AXIe, the M9536A one-slot module can be used to build compact systems for high-performance applications such as RF/µW, wireless communication manufacturing, BERT, radar, high-energy physics research, and plasma control in fusion research. The controller can also be integrated easily into hybrid test systems using USB and LAN.

Modular controller is first for AXIe

The controller — which has an Intel Xeon L5518 quad-core processor running at 2.13 GHz, a PCIe Gen2 backplane, 8 Gbytes of RAM, and a 160-Gbyte SSD — is designed for use with high-speed digital AXIe modules such as the U4301A PCI Express Gen3 analyzer, the M9180A 12-Gsample/s arbitrary waveform generator, and the U4154A DDR logic analyzer. The module is preloaded with a Windows OS and Agilent I/O libraries. ($8,900 — available for order now.)

By Richard Comerford

Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-829-4444


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