
Module aids RF design for MSP430 MCU

The 430BOOST-CC110L RF BoosterPack RF plug-in board is an add-on for the MSP430 microcontroller LaunchPad development kit. The sub-1 GHz ETSI-compliant and FCC-certified modules help speed development time and reduce certification costs for RF hardware design.

Module aids RF design for MSP430 MCU

The MSP430 LaunchPad kit is separately available for $4.30 and the RF BoosterPack is also available as a FCC-certified, production unit. The BoosterPack contains two plug-in-boards using the CC110L sub-1 GHz RF value line transceiver, passive components and, compact PCB antenna. The kit has a CD with software, including an easy to use wireless software stack, and documentation. ($19 ea – available now.)

by Jim Harrison

Texas Instruments , Dallas , TX , United States
Information 800-477-8924


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