Suited for automotive applications, that often require voltages up to 40 or 60 V, the SiP41111 half-bridge n-channel MOSFET driver delivers a 2-A peak sink and source-gate driver current. The device features a maximum bootstrap supply voltage up to 75 V, accommodates a supply range from 9 to 13.2 V, and can drive a 1,000-pF load with typical rise and fall times of 10 ns.
Offered in the SOIC-8 and thermally enhanced PowerPAK SOIC packages, the part also features undervoltage protection and an on-chip 1.5-W bootstrap diode. (From $0.85 ea/1,000-available now.)
Vishay Intertechnology , Malvern , PA
Samples 619-336-0860
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