The NPArm fully integrated 19-in. 6U rack-mounted multi-axis servo drive system uses NanoPWM technology with guaranteed better performance than linear drives. The modular unit uses a ±10-V sinusoidal current commutation command input and has up to four two-drive plug-in modules with output current range between 3.3/10 A and 13.3/40 A (continuous/peak).
It includes a 3.2-kW power supply providing 48- or 96-V or both. Three-phase and single-phase servo motors are supported. The drive current loop can be tuned via DIP switches, or the SPiiPlus MMI application. NanoPWM drives controlling an X-Y table with speeds above 1 m/s, standstill jitter better than ±0.3 nm, and following error of ±10 nm at speeds of 100 mm/s have been achieved.
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