
Multianode cap can replace two single caps

Expanding the TPM series of multianode mirror design tantalum capacitors, the D-sized-47-µF/25-V-part features ESR of 55 mΩ and can replace two standard single-anode devices. The capacitors reduce ESR by 30% over single-anode parts in the same package, which offer 100-mΩ, and E-case devices, which offer 80 mΩ. The reduction allows improvement in filtering capability.

Multianode cap can replace two single caps

Rated at 35 V, the series suits 3-mm-profile circuits with high current and voltage spikes and 12/14-V, low-impedance automotive battery applications. D and E case sizes can use the same pad design. Higher operating voltages are also available. (Contact company for pricing and availability.)

AVX , Myrtle Beach , SC
Dan Lane 843-946-0483


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