The tech company Soundslice previously released an app that allows people to learn guitar from synching tabs with YouTube videos. Now, Soundslice has developed a sheet music creator, enabling musicians to notate to their liking through the computer program. Tabs for any stringed instrument, even ukuleles, mandolins, and banjos, can be accounted for with this system.
This program allows users to sync chord charts, sheet music, and tabs. The JavaScript and HTML5-designed interface makes it easier for musicians to loop sections of the notes, juggle between a real recording and one that is created on the computer from what you’ve notated. You can also zoom around the notes for a clarified view and adjust the tempo without touching the pitch.
Musicians can then see the notation that aligns with what’s being played. This makes it easier when people are playing a song and reading the music, so they won’t lose their place in on the virtual page.
It has not yet been announced whether the program will eventually have capabilities to create tabs and annotate music automatically when it hears sound. According to its website, Soundslice is currently working on fully developing this technology, and will soon offer Soundslice Pro bundles of the program could include automated note guessing and other features.
Story via Soundslice
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