The iRing debuted at CES last week, allowing users to control their music apps for iOS with gestures. The accessory was crafted by IK Multimedia, which has also produced the AmpliTube adapter, a device musicians can plug their instruments into and record with a variety of internal app amplifiers, including up to 10 stomps, five cabinets, and two microphones. The iMic accessories, which include the iRig MIC Cast and the iRig MIX, enable users to plug in a microphone and record their vocals over preexisting tracks through the four-track VocaLive app, and mix. The company has also previously released the iRig Stomp, an electric guitar pedal made from aluminum that works well with any iOS guitar, amp, or app.
When the user is wearing the iRing, the front camera on the device will read all hand gesture controls, and the peripheral’s app will convert them into commands that the software will interpret. The location of the ring translates into algorithms that are converted into MIDI control messages that the app will perform. The iRing’s capabilities include controlling music apps, and helping aspiring DJs to mix their own music. The iRing comes with music –editing apps, including the Music Maker and the FX Controller, that allow sound effects and loops to be created. Musicians can use one hand to monitor the music effects in a cyclical pattern, while using the other hand to control the intensity, volume, and EQ of the sound.
Users can also play video games with the iRing motion controller.
The iRing is available for pre-order from IK Multimedia for $24.99.
Story via IK Multimedia
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